Formation Ergonomics training workplace
  • En 2023, 87% de clients satisfaits

Ergonomics training workplace : how to prevent work accidents related to manual handling

As part of the regulations on ergonomics at work, we suggest you follow our training on ergonomics in the workplace. This session will allow you to understand the theoretical notions in ergonomics, ergonomics improvement efforts, ergonomics process and to bring you solutions through practical exercises on your workstation. The program of this training is condensed in 1 day to quickly respond to their obligations regarding the employees'  health and security.

Objectifs pédagogiques de la formation Ergonomics training workplace

  • Understand how the body functions and aknowledge the risks 
  • Analyse your position and your ergonomics to prevent risks and back pain


Programme daté du 11/04/2023

Review of the legislation regarding ergonomics in the workplace

  • Labor Code: Health and Safety
  • Analysis of work accidents related to manual handling
  • What is MSD ?
  • Medical leave statistics and occupational illnesses in France

Training in gesture techniques and attitude at workstations

  • Understand how the human body functions: Basics of anatomy and physiology
  • Different pathologies (back, upper limbs, joint problems)
  • Highlighting the potential risks of accidents (bone, muscle, joint)
    • Lumbar interlock
    • Invariant postures
  • Know the different techniques specific to ergonomics
    • How to carry a heavy or bulky load
    • How to economize your effort and the principles of physical security
  • How to protect yourself and the equipment required
    • Identify PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)
    • Basics of first aid
    • Relaxation by stretching

Focus on ergonomics working on computers (This option can be removed from the training)

  • Best practices related to work with computers
  • Integrate ergonomic occupational health recommendations into the workplace
  • Visual fatigue related to screen work

Implementation of a process to limit MSDs

  • Workplace analysis and workstation analysis
  • What is the ergonomic concept of the workstation
  • Layout recommendations, advice and actions to avoid

We can move everywhere in France for your Ergonomics training : Paris, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Rennes, Nantes, Orléans, Troyes, Montpellier, Grenoble, Dijon, Metz, Nancy, Amiens, Caen, Le havre, Brest, Quimper, Rouen, Reims, Tours, Angers, Limoges, Clermont Ferrand and more.

Publics & pré-requis

Public cible



No pre-requisite for follow the Ergonomics training for office

Méthodes pédagogiques

  • Brainstorming
  • Test et game
  • Ergonomics training exercices in Office / on the workstation
  • Auto évaluation préalable en amont de la formation
  • Évaluation des acquis en fin de formation

Nos avis clients


Nos formateurs sont retenus pour leurs qualités pédagogiques, leur expérience et leur sympathie.


Nos conseillers pédagogiques se dévouent pour répondre à vos demandes dans les 48 heures.


Nous mettons notre expertise au service de la satisfaction de nos clients.


Nous nous réinventons chaque jour pour assurer une qualité de service maximale à nos clients.