En 2023, 87% de clients satisfaits
En 2023, 87% de clients satisfaits
Formation obligatoire*
Formation obligatoire*
Ce programme est conforme à l’obligation de formation de l’employeur.
Fire extinguishing training : How to correctly use a fire extinguisher
How to respond in case of fire. How to correctly use a fire extinguisher. By following this fire extinguisher training, you will be able to put out the start of a fire with a fire extinguisher. During this course on the use of a fire extinguisher (initial session or recycling), we offer 3 solutions and 3 tariffs: practical training using real fire on a flame simulator (water and CO² fire extinguishers), training with extinguishers in a truck (called mobile fire safety unit) and finally, we offer the fire extinguisher training from a laser fire extinguisher (training can be done in meeting room, ideal for companies that don’t have outdoor space). Note that this fire extinguishing training in english meets the requirements of the Labor Code and the current regulations (INRS).
Le format Inter-entreprise désigne une formation se déroulant dans les locaux de l’organisme de formation.
Le tarif est fixé par participant.
La formation intra-entreprise se déroule dans les locaux de l’entreprise qui souhaite entreprendre la formation.
La mobilité du CNFCE est nationale et internationale.
Le tarif est fixé par jour/par groupe.
sur-mesureintra / E-learning
Une formation sur mesure est une formation construite spécifiquement autour des besoins et attentes particulières de l’entreprise cliente. Cette notion de sur-mesure intègre le contenu mais aussi le format souhaité par le client.
La formation sur-mesure se déroule dans les locaux de l’entreprise qui souhaite entreprendre la formation.
Objectifs pédagogiques de la formation Fire extinguishers training
- Understand the function and propagation of fire
- Be able to react during a fire outbreak
- Attempt to put out a fire and know how to operate a fire extinguisher
- Isolate risks and inform rescue crews
- Meet fire training regulations and know how to use a fire extinguisher
Programme daté du 11/04/2023The phenomenon of fire: outbreak, combustion and propagation
- The outbreak of a fire: The risks and causes of fire
- Understanding the way fire works: Combustion, the fire triangle, the propagation
- Identify the different categories of fire
- The procedure to extinguish a fire
Fire safety instructions
- Master the safety instructions specific to the establishment
- Understand the importance of organizing fire safety in your institution
- Identify the general and specific procedures to be adopted in case of fire
Know how to use the means of extinction in case of fire
- Know the locations of fire extinguishers within the establishment and be able to differentiate the types of fire extinguishers
- Understand the different modes of operation of fire extinguishers
- Choose the fire extinguisher according to the type of fire and inherent hazards (electrical hazard)
- The different extinguishing systems
Practical training: how to operate fire extinguishers
- Safety instructions related to the use of a fire extinguisher
- Know how to identify the type of fire and use the right fire extinguisher
- Perform a practical exercise on simulated fire with fire extinguisher
Set up safety instructions in the face of a fire
- Adopt the correct behavior in the context of a fire with alarm and without alarm
- Ensure your own safety and that of others while isolating risks
- Alert rescue services and communicate the right information
Fire extinguisher training: 3 alternatives to follow our training on the use of extinguishers
- Training in your company in an outdoor area (courtyard, parking lot, etc.) for practice on real fire: Operating real fire extinguishers (CO² or water)
- Training in your company without an outside area: Operating a laser extinguisher in a meeting room
- Rental of an exercise field + equipment room in the Paris region
We can move everywhere in France for your fire extinguishers training : Paris, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Rennes, Nantes, Orléans, Troyes, Montpellier, Grenoble, Dijon, Metz, Nancy, Amiens, Caen, Le havre, Brest, Quimper, Rouen, Reims, Tours, Angers, Limoges, Clermont Ferrand and more.
Publics & pré-requis
Public cible
No pre-requisite for follow the fire extinguishers training
Méthodes pédagogiques
- Brainstorming
- Test et game
- Operating fire extinguishers
- Auto évaluation préalable en amont de la formation
- Évaluation des acquis en fin de formation
Nos avis clients
OGEC Collège de Saint Héand
Christophe C. - Gestionnaire de formation
Leila ,C. - Chargée de formation
Fabien M. - Directeur adjoint
Aurore R. - Gestionnaire formation
Erika D. - Office Manager
Sylvie D. - Conseillère formation
Nos formateurs sont retenus pour leurs qualités pédagogiques, leur expérience et leur sympathie.
Nos conseillers pédagogiques se dévouent pour répondre à vos demandes dans les 48 heures.
Nous mettons notre expertise au service de la satisfaction de nos clients.
Nous nous réinventons chaque jour pour assurer une qualité de service maximale à nos clients.