Formation First aid training for office
  • 98% de stagiaires satisfaits

First Aid training for office : master the actions of first aid 

Because mastering the actions of first aid in the workplace has become indispensable today, we offer a training program for first aid which is a condensed version of the First Aid Rescue Worker training. This first aid course will allow you to master the basic actions to provide first aid to an injured or distressed person. This day long training (compared to two days for the First Aid Rescue training) gets right to the essentials. A two-hour awareness module may also be proposed.

Objectifs pédagogiques de la formation First aid training for office

  • Master the security positions and professional techniques to limit the deterioration of a situation
  • Prevent, alert, rescue: Know how to communicate the right information
  • Learn to perform a cardiac massage
  • Provide support and comfort to the victim


Programme daté du 11/04/2023

Analyze the situation to be able to take the first steps

  • How to analyze an incident to know how to react
  • Protect the scene of the incident, avoid the risk deteriorating the situation
  • Examine the victim and closely analyze his condition

Provide first aid to a victim

  • How to react with a victim who is choking, bleeding, complaining of burns or pain
  • How to react with an unconscious person ?
  • How to react with a person who is not breathing ?
    • What is cardiac arrest?
    • What are the consequences of cardiac arrest ?
  • Master the basic first aid actions: Lateral position of security, cardiac massage, use of a defibrillator

Organize and alert emergency services 

  • Who to contact according to the situation
  • Know how to effectively locate the incident site and communicate the right information
  • What and how to describe a situation: the professional vocabulary

Our first aid training is essentially practical. Each exercise or scenario will be punctuated with theory to ensure an that each participant masters the first aid techniques.

We can move everywhere in France for your First aid training  : Paris, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Rennes, Nantes, Orléans, Troyes, Montpellier, Grenoble, Dijon, Metz, Nancy, Amiens, Caen, Le havre, Brest, Quimper, Rouen, Reims, Tours, Angers, Limoges, Clermont Ferrand and more.

Publics & pré-requis

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No pre-requisite for follow the First aid training 

Méthodes pédagogiques

  • Brainstorming
  • Test et game
  • First aid training exercices
  • Auto évaluation préalable en amont de la formation
  • Évaluation des acquis en fin de formation

Nos avis clients


Nos formateurs sont retenus pour leurs qualités pédagogiques, leur expérience et leur sympathie.


Nos conseillers pédagogiques se dévouent pour répondre à vos demandes dans les 48 heures.


Nous mettons notre expertise au service de la satisfaction de nos clients.


Nous nous réinventons chaque jour pour assurer une qualité de service maximale à nos clients.