Formation Public speaking
  • En 2023, 87% de clients satisfaits

Formation Public speaking : prise de parole en public en anglais

Public speaking is a difficult task requiring numerous skills and personal assets (charisma, confidence, control of one's emotions etc.). But don't worry ! Everything can be learned. Our 2 days long training session in public speaking aims at giving your personel the keys to manage stress, increase confidence and first and foremost become effective speakers.

Objectifs pédagogiques de la formation Public speaking

  • Develop consciences of our nonverbal impact during our communication with others
  • Learning tricks used by politicians and theater actors to control stress, voice projection, amelioration of your presence in public speaking.
  • Developing your natural talent to convince and bring the public on your side
  • Increasing your confidence in general outside of speaking in public


Programme daté du 11/04/2023

Components of oral expression

  • Verbal and non-verbal behavior
  • Expressing yourself with the appropriate gestures
  • Body dynamics in space
  • Training of breath control from the stomach
  • Coordination of voice and body

Stress Management

  • Familiarize yourself with your own emotions
  • Release yourself from the tension and the comprehension related to the stress
  • To limit the pressure of the moment and to find pleasurable experience

Acquisition and control of an effective oral communication

  • 10 principles to make your public intervention a success
  • To discover your hidden talents as a speaker for future use when needed

Rules for producing a coherent and positive speech

  • Construction of your speech, language and expressions
  • To convince and bring the public on your side : practical methods

Publics & pré-requis

Public cible



Participants must prepare their own presentation for the kick off

Méthodes pédagogiques

  • Actual role playing situations of public speaking
  • Filmed exercises Public speaking
  • Theater and improvisation pedagogies
  • Mimes
  • Individual Coaching on your talents, limited beliefs, blockings, your fears
  • Auto évaluation préalable en amont de la formation
  • Évaluation des acquis en fin de formation

Nos avis clients


Nos formateurs sont retenus pour leurs qualités pédagogiques, leur expérience et leur sympathie.


Nos conseillers pédagogiques se dévouent pour répondre à vos demandes dans les 48 heures.


Nous mettons notre expertise au service de la satisfaction de nos clients.


Nous nous réinventons chaque jour pour assurer une qualité de service maximale à nos clients.